Friday, November 28, 2008

headin' back to Texas...

This is my last full day in Shreveport, which means my Thanksgiving break is coming to a close :( I'm really not excited about going back to school but I'll only have a few weeks before I am out again for Christmas vacation. I have a lot to get done between now than then, though. My school's homecoming is in January, and because I am on the Student Council I am one of the people in charge of making sure that Spirit Week (week of homecoming), homecoming itself, and the Homecoming Bash that follows the game, goes well. The bash's theme this year is going to be a Glow-in-the-Dark Rave. (I came up with the theme..which is cool b/c out of several suggestions, i came up with the one that was selected :) Unfortunately, I'm one of only three people who has to come up with, and give a written list of, ALL the decorations (and prices) we are going to need. I have to have that turned in by Dec. 5 so I know I need to jump on it ASAP. I've also got a World History Honor's project that I need to start on...that'll be due in a few weeks...I need to pick a topic to do it on. I really don't want it to be a last minute thing, so I'll get on it as soon as I finish the Homecoming plans and get all that outta the way and turned in to Mrs. Wisdom (who just so happens to be the coolest, most amazing Student Council sponsor EVER!..and one of the best English teachers out there!:) Cool fact about her: she's been a reporter/journalist for one of the most well known newspapers in Arkansas, she's been to law school, has been a pilot, a school administrator, and an English teacher..not to mention a mother of three. My school is soooo blessed to have her there. I just recently found out that she had previously done all these things-like gone to law school and had been a reporter-and it amazed me so i thought I'd brag on her a lil :) She was telling us stories during class about what she had done as a reporter, and she said that she interviewed Bill and Hillary Clinton several times. She also had several visits with Hillary that were completely off the record and just as two people having tea and talking. She even had a previous presidential candidate say that when he was elected into office he wanted her to work for him...he didn't win, but that's still an honor to have someone like that say that they wanted you to work for them because they was so impressed with your work. Pretty awesome if you ask me! :)

Well, when I get back to school on Monday I'll have a regular schedule, then on Tuesday I am going with a group from my school to see the King Tut exhibit that is visiting Dallas. Dallas is one of 5 cities it is stopping in before it goes out of the country. I think it's going to be super fun and really neat to see all the different things that are part of the exhibit. One of my teachers, who saw the exhibit when it got here a couple months ago, said that they had a chair that King Tut sat in when he was a child that is still well preserved. Sounds really cool to me :) Can't wait to see it. It's going to be extra fun b/c I'll be with my friends...and get to skip a whole day of class :) *whoot-whoot!!!*