Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday's here!

Today is Monday...again. lol that means i am once again back at school :( Like i have mentioned before, it's not my favorite place in the world to be. My computer lit teacher is sick today so we have a sub and he's letting us just chill and mess around on our computers...which so totally beats working on an assignment :)

I'm ready for this evening to get here cause i have a self-defense class tonight. not exactly sure how i'm gonna fit it in with all my homework, but we'll see how it turns out. I'm pretty excited bout it..i'm glad i'll be learning how to better defend myself just in case someone ever decides to do something stupid. Not really expecting that to happen, but you just never know so it's good to have the advantage by being prepared.

Thanksgiving is just round the corner, and i'm tellin' ya, i don't think i've ever been more ready for it to finally be here (i get to see my family and have like three days outta school). My family is actually going to be having our Thanksgiving dinner and get-together a few days early this year b/c one of my relatives only has like a couple days she can come down so we are having it while she is here. I'm excited b/c it means i get spend time with my family and not have to worry bout school for a few days..which is always nice.

School is a whole other subject i could go off on, and i will, but with mild restraint.
It's been one of the most character-testing experiences ever...and it's been going on for like three straight years like this. Frankly i am getting sick of what i've been having to put up with and i'm really hoping it changes soon...

Well, i've gotta go- got Biology in a couple minutes. Talk to you later!

1 comment:

CoachPautsch said...

well, enjoy tomorrow, Coach P is out with the Flu :(