Friday, November 7, 2008

With Hope

Right now, even as my heart is breaking over news i received earlier today about a loved one, i am comforted by the fact that God Almighty is still in control and is mighty to save and rescue in times of trouble. He is faithful to those who love and put their trust in Him. A reassurance of this is found in Psalm 91, (verses 14-16 shown)

14 "Because he [she] loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him [her]; I will protect him [her], for he [she] acknowledges my name.

15 He [She] will call upon me, and I will answer him [her]; I will be with him [her] in trouble, I will deliver him [her] and honor him [her].

16 With long life will I satisfy him [her]
and show him [her] my salvation."

I am crying out to my Daddy God, needing His comfort and peace during this time. I feel like the Lord had been preparing me for this for a while now. It seemed that everywhere i turned i was being reminded to cherish moments with family and friends, not allowing anything to be incorrectly prioritized that would therefore cause me to miss out on those special moments.
To live with the constant reminder that this old, decaying world is not our home, yet a glorious Place filled with the Presence of God is what awaits Christians upon the end of this life. When we complete our time on earth, our life will not "end" but will just be beginning. Isn't that wonderful!!


grammie said...

thanks beloved. My heart has been breaking also and I needed to hear everything u said. u really ministered to me. i luv u.

Teresa Driskell said...

I love you! The news was more than overwhelming and then I remembered the promises of our Father, that He will never leave us or forsake us. That when we seek Him with all of our hearts He will be found by us. I know that we are all seeking Him on behalf of our special loved one and I know He will answer.

Kiersten Blaire said...

it is sooooo comforting to know that my family has so many people praying for this very special loved one! What medicine can't do, my GOD can! He is more than able to reach out His hand and provide healing, peace, and restoration. Though i am fully aware of this, my heart still feels like it's in a million pieces right now. Believe me, i've done more crying in the last 24 hrs than i have in a while. It's so very hard to watch this happen to someone i hold so dear, but i know that my God is still in control and nothing will happen outside of His perfect Plan. It is still painfull though b/c His plans are not always our own, and things happen differently than we sometimes wish.

We as Christians have an everlasting Hope and Promise that we will one day be reunited with the ones we love in a perfect Place that the Lord has prepared for those who love Him, but i do have to admit that the waiting until that perfect day is one of the most painful things ever.