Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thursday's root canal

On thursday i will be going to have a root canal finished, and right now i have to say i'm more excited than scared about it...i'm glad i get outta school for a half of a day to get it done :)..and i'm glad i'll finally get this tooth taken care of. I had gone to the dentist about two weeks ago to have it taken care of then, but they told me that they were going to have to send me to a specialist b/c of a "curve" in my tooth (don't know exactly what that means, but they told me if they tried to do it they ran the risk of having one of their instruments break off in there and not be able to get it out. Yikes!!). So, all that to say: I'm having a root canal on thursday, and if you would, keep me in your prayers :)

Like i said in my previous post, i thought i was going to be taking a test today that was supposed to help me figure out what to go to college for, but it turns out it wasn't my grade taking it this i was in class all day. I was looking forward to not being in classes for the first half of the day. But, it wasn't that bad. None of my teachers assigned ANY homework to us (write that one down in the history books, people!!! LOL). Plus i made a 102 on a Cyrano de Bergerac literature test i didn't study for *whoot-whoot*...was happy bout that one! :)

Well, i think i'm going to try to catch a quick nap before i go to church tonight, so i'd better sign off. TTYL :)

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