Thursday, November 6, 2008

holding my tongue..showing some wisdom

I could choose to write about the outcome of the election, the problem I'm having with one of my teachers, or the crazy amount of quizzes i've got to study for, but i'm showing some wisdom and choosing to write about something else -mainly b/c of Proverbs 29:11 which states "A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man [or woman] keeps himself under control." Ouch. So, i'm keeping myself "under control" and am going to post something not including any of the topics above.

Last night I had the opportunity to go and see Dennis Swanberg with my youth group. I was supposed to work the nursery last night at church but there were only a few kids, so the other worker covered it for me (it was only her two kids and her nephew that showed up). Getting to take time off and just spend time laughing was great. Dennis was sooooooooo funny, and it was really cool b/c during some parts of his routine i knew what was coming up next b/c i had heard a program on Focus in the Family that they had him on, and parts of his routine were the same as the one he did last night. Even though i knew what was coming i still found myself laughing like it was my first time to hear it. lol

It was enjoyable...and now i'm back at school.....bummmmmmer!

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