Saturday, November 22, 2008

Weekend in Louisiana

On Friday my Theater Arts team went and performed in Many, Louisiana at a patriotic event the city was having. The whole event was really touching and I now have a greater respect and reverence to those who have served our country in war, and who have paid the ultimate price to keep America free. I appreciate their sacrifice so much, and thank God that we have brave men and women living here that are willing to leave their family and friends and go fight for our country. My cousin is in Iraq right now, so that in a big way allows me to see just how hard it is on families to have loved ones away.

My Theater Arts team was at the event for about four hours. It was that meant we were in the biting cold wind for a while lol. We had gotten there early so we all just kinda walked around and looked at all they had set up there.
While we were walking around I decided to have my friend Emily take a picture of me, when this guy (1 of 2 that were standing nearby) was like, "hey, my friend wants to be in your picture!". I was kinda surprised, so I was just like "ok.....sure". Then after I took a pic with him, his friend wanted one too, so I took one with him. It was kinda random and a little funny lol. I'll post the pics when I get home and can transfer my pics to my computer (I'm at my grandparents' right now and don't have my USB connector cord). I actually got several pictures from my trip that I'm planning on posting for ya.

After we left Many, I went to see my family in Shreveport and we had our early Thanksgiving meal. We had it early this year since this was the only time my cousin was able to come into town. It was really enjoyable and the food was WONDERFUL!!! :)

Now I am over at my Grandparents. I have to go back home tomorrow b/c of school on Monday. I get out Tuesday afternoon for my official break...which is something I totally don't get b/c, seriously, what are we going to get done on Monday and a half day Tuesday? I'm convinced they should have given us the whole week off. But they didn't, so i have to head back to Texas for Monday and Tuesday, then I'll be free to come back to LA for a few more days.

On Monday I have a Biology test that I should probably be spending time study for, but this weekend isn't a weekend I'd like to cramp with that lol. Normally I'd be freaking' out bout studying... but, honestly, spending time with my G.parents is more important right now.

I had a thought come to me the other day: God never intended us to be so busy in life that we develop misplaced priorities that cause us to no longer "have time" to connect with those we love. When we get so busy that we lose touch with the ones we love, something isn't right.I just have a hard time believing that it's God's plan for lives for us to live in such a rushed state, because we're "busy". This causes us to have less time to devote to what truly matters...
I shared this with my Friend today and she was like, "You're missing your parents aren't you?" Answer to her question: Oh yeah!!!

It's really painful, and it's extra hard, as a teen, when it's your parents who you rarely even see or connect with. Though it positively challenges me to MAKE time for what's important, I sometimes get this incredible urge to run from the situation. I think it's that fight or flight response lol. At first I was ready to take this on and deal with it for the next year and a half, but now I just want to run. I know it sounds weird cuz that would mean seeing them even less, but somehow it seems like it would make it easier to deal with. I'm sorry if that sounds bad or weak, or whatever, but that's honestly that's how I'm feeling right now.
I know that we have things that come up in our lives that we just have to pray our way through...this is just one of those things. But God is always faithful to see us through anything :)

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