Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A WONDERFUL Birthday! :)

Wow! I had a GREAT Birthday! I can’t think of anything that could have made it better.
I got my sister to curl my hair for me and I wore a pretty tiara to school (picture of it up top). I got a whole lotta complements on my hair and all throughout the day people kept telling me “happy birthday!”. I had a couple people text me this morning to say happy birthday, and I even had someone call and leave me a “happy birthday” message on my cell phone. It was the sweetest thing. I was smiling all day :)
During my lunch period my dad came up to the school and brought a cookie cake and cupcakes for me and my friends.
It was actually really cool how it worked out, because a few weeks before (and up to my birthday), the one thing I really wanted to happen on my birthday was for someone to either come up to the school and eat with me or to take me somewhere to eat. I decided not to tell anyone b/c I didn’t want anyone to do it just b/c they knew I wanted it…if they did it, i wanted it to be completely something they thought of themselves.
When my dad came up to the school I was like, “awesome!...I got the whole ‘someone coming to eat with me’ part”.
Then after school my friend, Clay, took me to eat at Applebee's for my birthday present (how awesome is that!?! lol)…that was the whole “someone taking me somewhere to eat” part (so it just so happened I got both someone coming to eat with me, and having someone take me to eat :). It was so neat because Clay had no clue I wanted someone to do that. He told Kristi that he didn’t know what to get me for my birthday b/c (according to Kristi) “the scrapbook I made him was the perfect gift to give him and he couldn’t think of anything special enough to top it”. But his decision to take me to eat was the perfect thing. And it was really special because it was something he came up with himself, not knowing I had wanted that for a while.
I know I will remember this birthday! It was truly enjoyable!
BIG thank you to all of you who either called, texted, or told me "happy birthday!" in person (or left it on my blog) are part of what made my B-day so special :)


CoachPautsch said...

for what it's worth i wrote "happy birthday" on your homework you turned in yesturday...

CoachPautsch said...
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Kiersten Blaire said...

Thank you, coachpautsch :)