Sunday, October 26, 2008

needing to vent...

I'm sitting here at home spending my Sunday afternoon relaxing...alone. Once again it's just us kids at home (mom is gone studying with her college group and dad is working). Honestly, sometimes I get really frustrated because I feel like my parents are ALWAYS gone. I know they have to be- mom has her TONS of schoolwork to do, and dad has to work like crazy just to make ends meet, but still i hate the fact they both have to be busy and gone the majority of the time. It'll get better once my mom finishes school...she'll be making money so hopefully my dad will be able to slow down a little. I have no idea what her work schedule is going to be like, so i don't know if i'll actually see her more or not. I guess we'll see when she starts working in about 14 months.

I'd describe myself as a pretty independent person who enjoys her alone time, but too much of it isn't something i'm crazy about. I guess that's why my parents' being gone so much has really started to wear on me. Most of the time i'm pretty ok and cool with it, but then I have days like today where it kinda bums me out a lil bit. I think part of what gets me is that i truly feel like part of my teen life is being spent without them here (i mean, come on, my sixteenth birthday is going to come and go and my mom is still going to be in school). Like i said, most of the time i'm pretty ok with how things are having to be right now (despite the fact that it's been a REALLY difficult change to get used to), but when i stop and think about it, it makes me a little sad...
But being able to talk about it on my blog and share how i feel about all that's happening has helped. ...guess i just needed to "vent" for a few minutes.

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