Friday, October 10, 2008

senseless Biology post *wink-wink, Coach P* ;)

Ok, so, like I have to answer 3 questions for my Biology class next period right now (I'm in Comp. Lit). Personally I think this is weird and I seriously don't see why these need to be on our blogs, but since I have to do them for a grade (and I'm not cool with getting a zero on the assignment), I'm gonna do it.... So, really, unless your Mr. Pautsch, feel free to skip reading this post!!!!

  • Q: Which of the 11 different systems do you think is the most important and why?
    A: I think the immune system- which is made up of white blood cells, lymph nodes,your spleen, tonsils, and other fun stuff- is probably the most important because without your immune system all your other systems would not work because they would be killed by a whole bunch of germs and diseases. But, come on- it's impossible to pick just one system that's the most important one...that's kinda why God gave us eleven!! know, cause we need them ALL. (duh!) lol. But, yeah, the immune system is pretty important though because it's the body's defense against invading bacteria and viruses. without it we'd feel really crummy...and would probably die within the first few hours that we're born.

  • Q: Of the 11 systems, if you could be any one of them, which would you be and why?
    A: If I could be any body system I wanted to, I'd be the nervous system because it's the master control unit of the body. In this system you have sense organs, nerves, your brain, and your spinal cord. Pretty kewl, huh? Your nerves connect all areas of the body to the brain and carry messages in the form of electrochemical signals, or impulses. These impulses travel from the brain and spinal cord to the nerves located throughout the body, and vice versa. This system allows you to feel things, taste things, see, hear, and feel pressure and pain. Pretty important system...

  • Q: If you lost the ability of one of the systems (pick one), how would that effect your daily life?
    A: hhhhmmm...ok, I'll pick the skeletal system. If I lost the use of that system it would really stink because without your bones, you would be a pile of glob on the floor...not kewl. And that would make it hard to do anything at all (which would REALLY effect your daily life....a lot!). that I think about it, I'm really glad we have bones...I never took much time to consider how it would be with out 'em.
    But, then again...I like all of my systems and would HATE to go without any of 'em...God was so smart to make us with all 11 :)

1 comment:

CoachPautsch said...

here's my senseless response to your senseless post...
well done, have fun with the cousin! see you Tuesday!