Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Root canal, flowers, and a birthday tomorrow :)

Yesterday i went and had some work done on my teeth. I was praying that it wouldn't end with me having to get a root canal, but unfortunately it did. They started it but were unable to finish because of a "curve" (whatever that is), and if they tried to precede with the root canal they ran the risk of having an instrument break in there and them not be able to get it out *yikes!!*. Now they are sending me to a specialist in Longview that only does root canals and should have me fixed up in less than an hour... bad part is that i have to wait two weeks before i go.. :/

After my apt yesterday was over i was in so much pain it was CRAZY! But I had people praying for me so that helped a lot (thank you to those who did!!)...what also helped make things better is that my friend, Brady, stopped by my house and brought me a bouquet of white flowers. :) They're so pretty and they made my evening. It was really sweet of him to think of me and bring them by...I love them!! I have them in a vase on my desk and i like to just look at them b/c they're so pretty!
(The lighting made them look a lil yellow...they're white though- same flowers in the picture at the top of my post).
Aren't they beautiful? :) ...i really like them
Tomorrow is my Birthday and I'm really excited. I'm going to get my sister to curl my hair and I'm going to wear the tiara that my friend, Mrs. Teresa gave me several years ago. It's beautiful and I'm really excited to wear it...it makes me feel like a Princess -which i am because i am a daughter of the King of Kings!! :) I sorta hesitated before deciding to wear it tomorrow b/c i'm a lil afraid of people mistaking it and thinking i'm doing it b/c i'm "stuck-up"...I guess if they do, though, it's their problem lol.
P.S.~ I'm sorry i haven't been as faithful in my posting something every day..sometimes life gets in the way ...or homework for that matter lol. Which reminds me, i completely forgot my Biology book in my locker after school today *ooopps!*...that means I'm gonna have to get to school early tomorrow and scramble to get my Bio homework done. Fun-Fun!! lol. ..hopefully i'll be able to get it done sometime before 3rd period. We'll see!! lol


Anna Elizabeth said...

Hey Gurl....GUESS WHAT? It's your Birthday and I aslo want to tell you Happy Birthday and I love you alot!!!Have a Totally,Radical,Awesome,Fantabulous DAY!

Anna Elizabeth

ahbinks said...

Happy Birthday!!! That stinks about the root canal though. Btw, your hair does looks really nice today, and the tiara is a nice touch. So enjoy your birthday, and have a great week! :)

ahbinks said...

Also... I haven't been keeping up with my blog either... so you're not alone, lol.

serenityfalls2012 said...

nice flowers i wonder where u got'em

Kiersten Blaire said...

Thank you anna! That's really sweet of you, sista! And alemonsnowcone, thank you for the compliment on my hair :) That's really nice of you :)

serenityfalls2012 said...

and happy b-day
ur hair looks kewl!!!

Kiersten Blaire said...

Thank you, Brady! :)