Wednesday, October 15, 2008

just sittin' here...

I'm just sitting here in Computer Lit class and I really want to go home. I'm super tired and have already fallen asleep in class like three different times. Today in chapel I performed with my Theater Arts team and it went really well, but I was in a lot of pain so it made it hard...i'm still in a little bit of pain and just want to be in bed right now, or sitting on my couch in the living room watching T.V. or a movie (we have ice cream at the house that would go perfect with that:) . If I knew I wasn't going to be doing anything in any of my classes today, I'd probably go ahead and go home. I have stuff I can work on my stinkin' Honors World History project....bummer.

I stayed up late last night working on it and only got the beginning stages of it done. I had a friend offer to help my out with it, and at the time I thought there wouldn't be anything he could do, but I'm tellin' you last night I was REALLY regretting turning him down. I seriously could have used the help lol.