Saturday, October 25, 2008

just chillin'

I didn't have any homework this weekend *whoot-whoot!!* so i get to thoroughly enjoy it by just hanging out and not doing much. Last night i went to a football game with a friend, this morning did a little house cleaning, and then babysat for like 3 hours. So, really i've has a pretty laid back weekend so far. I'm planning on spending the rest of my evening finishing up the scrapbook i made for my friend, Clay. Some of his really good friends are graduating this year so i wanted to get some pictures of them and pics from his 16th B-day party, and put them together in a book that he could have. It's turning out really well- I'm proud of it :) Hope he likes it...we'll find out on Monday ;)


Belovedez33 said...

Sounds like a great day. It's been pretty laid back here, too. Went and got my hair colored and trimmed. Can't wait to see you again. Maybe next time we both have a free Saturday we can chill together. Let me know!

Kiersten Blaire said...

Sounds great to me! :) Can't wait to see you!! I love you!! XOXOXO

P.S.~ thanks for posting a comment! I love it when you do! :)