Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In Preparation for Finals...

Today was basically a review day in all my classes for our finals. I'm a little scared about a couple of them because I feel like i didn't truly learn the stuff the first time around, so this "reviewing" doesn't seem much like a review. A couple of the finals I don't plan on having difficulty with (like English, and [after today] my comp lit final), but my World History final will definitely be one that I'll be studying a WHOLE bunch for and no doubt cramming the last days prior to. My Bible final shouldn't be too terribly hard, but because it covers so much it might be a little difficult. Biology is still a little iffy....

Today we got our Computer Lit final requirements. I was really ticked off while I was working on it because I felt like I didn't fully understand some of the details of the assignments so I was having difficulty working on it. * a BIGGIE that I CAN'T STAND is not knowing what is expected and what I'm supposed to it a fault, idk...*

I'm starting to get a little stressed out with all i have going on with school, so this seemed to be just another thing to add to my growing list of "to-get-done's" . I so wanted to SCREAM...but decided that probably wasn't the best way to express my frustration. lol.
I did make it through the class, and after having a while to think about the assignment and come up with some ideas to help conquer it, I was fine. :)
I've had stuff like this pile up before, and for me it's just a matter of sitting down, making a list of all i have to complete, and then crossing off as many as fast as possible!

The good news is: ALL this will be over and done with within two weeks!:) The finals will be done with by the 16th, the Honors project will be turned in by next Tuesday, and Homecoming (and all the Student Council planning that goes with it) will be completed!... And that, my friend, will be oh so splendid!! :)


Aarbear said...

Oh man, you have 2 new posts since my computer crashed! Now I have to write a comment twice as long as usual lol.

Coming to Texas was my best Christmas gift too :) Although that Kwanzaa present you gave me was pretty cool too lol. I love the picture, you should definitely put it as your profile pic!

We haven't started reviewing yet, we still have two full weeks until our finals, which is gonna suck. But it doesn't suck too bad because our final days are all short, so thats a plus I guess. I've got World History this year too, I hate having to memorize all the weird names and stuff, but especially all of the foreign vocabulary, thats the worst. Knowing me I won't end up studying for more than the five minutes before class though lol. I'm sure you will do great on all of your finals though!

By the way, what do you guys do in your bible study class? I'm kinda curious. Also you should send me your Honors paper so I can read it, it will be cool to read about all the different religions and everything.

Hope you have a blast at Homecoming!

Aarbear said...

-sings- Kiersten, Kiersten, Kiersten! Kiersten Kiersten Kiersten!

Kiersten Blaire said...

You sang to me!! :)))) Thanks! lol that's awesome!!