Wednesday, January 21, 2009


O my goodness!! Today's chapel was on the subject of abortion. It was sooo powerful and had me in tears. At the end of the service Mrs. Warnock (the founder of the school and the one who gave the message) called me up front.She told every one that I had felt the Lord calling me to fight for the lives of the unborn and become a part of the Pro-Life movement. She said that she wanted to pray for me. She then asked my Bible teacher, Mr. Anderson the come up and pray over me. He prayed that doors would be opened and that I would be able to go places that I shouldn't be able to in the natural but would through Him.
After chapel Mr. Gillis walked up to me and was like, "I'm proud of you, Kiersten, and will be praying you. I know you are going to do something good...something big!".
That was nice of him...

Afterward they prayed for me in chapel I felt so blessed. I really do feel like God has called me to stand up and be a voice. He has given me a burning passion and a heart determined to make a difference. I am excited to see what the future holds.

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