Monday, January 19, 2009

Back in town

I just got back in town yesterday evening from going and staying with my beloved friend, Mrs. Teresa. We had a wonderful time together and I'm already starting to miss her :( I don't get to see her as often as I'd like, so every time I do it's a treat. She is an amazing woman of God who is a spiritual mother and mentor to me. I love her bunches and love getting to spend time with her, and listen to her teach me about the Word. In my opinion, it's so very important for young people to have someone in their life like that, that can teach then and mentor them.
I have been so blessed to have people in my life like this that pour into me and show me the love of Christ. I LOVE how God chooses to reveal Himself and His love to us through other Believers.

After getting settled in back home I went to Walmart to go get a couple things there. It was sooooo funny because when I was standing in the snack isle looking for those tasty lil 100 calorie snack packs, these two African American guys walked up to me. The first guy was like, "Ma'am, i just wanted to tell you that you are really beautiful! I saw you when you walked by, and I was like 'she is pretty!'. I just thought I'd tell you."
I was like, "Thank you, that's sweet of you. I appreciate it." I was hoping that would be the end, but he had different plans lol. He then proceeded to ask me where i went to school and what I liked to do for fun. I tried to come up with something boring so he'd lose interest but he didn't lol. He told me that he went to Kilgore College and that he had just turned 20 this past Monday. Then he asked me if we could get together some time; when he saw my hesitation he threw in "just as friends" LOL. He was like, "maybe you'd like to take down my number, or I could have yours?". I was kinda surprised that he kept on so i was like, "Well, about the whole hanging out thing: I'm not exactly sure how my dad would feel about that, but he's here somewhere if you want to talk to him.". Then he said something bout how he wasn't properly dressed so he really didn't want to lol.
I couldn't find my dad, so i just took him to my mom...who was easier to find. She explained to him that it probably wasn't going to happen, and he was a good sport bout it. The whole thing was just a little funny to me.... He was REALLY cute tho and had a gorgeous smile and if i had been a couple years older i would have probably given him my number LOL.
So, that my friends, was my amusement for the night!!


Aarbear said...

Its good to hear you had such a good time with Mrs. Teresa! That stinks that you only get to see her every so often. I hate those long distance relationships! Well, the long distance part at least :)

I see you couldn't help but get right back to Walmart first thing lol. Even if random older men do come up to you and ask you for your number lol. I'm glad I don't have to deal with that! That would have been pretty funny when he said he wasn't properly dressed though lol that made me laugh. "If you give me your address though I can stop by some time with some more formal clothes." lol That might have been creepy though... Just remember: Stranger danger! Well unless he's cute and more your age.

grammie said...

I agree with Aarbear, "Stranger danger". You handled the situation well. I'm proud of you. Bet your Mom was shocked.

Kiersten Blaire said...

LOL i' not actually sure what she thought about the whole thing...