Saturday, January 3, 2009

Aaron's last day :(

We had to take my cousin to the airport yesterday so he could fly back to Wisconsin. It was really hard to have him leave, and I am already missing him being here. The visit was soooooo fun and now I can't wait for him to come back during the Summer...which by the way we already have planned out. I told him he needs to just come back as a North-South American exchange student LOL.

We were all really sad the day of his departure. We decided to have one last fun-packed day before he left. We started the day by going to Fort Worth and seeing some different things there. We went to a really neat restaurant there called Joe T's. We had outside seats and it was sooo beautiful!

Here's a picture of my CUTE lil' brother and my totally AWESOME cousin! :)

Here's a pic of me :)

My Dad and Me

Dad took a pic when we weren't really expecting it; I have the classic Blank Stare on my face LOL

This is a slightly better version LOL

Here are a few more pics of us before we left Joe T's:

After Joe T's we went to the Stockyards in Forth Worth....then we headed to DFW to drop off Aaron :(...the saddest part of the day
This is us at the airport before he went through Security (right before leaving us):
We were all really sad....
But then we perked up when we thought of how we might get to see him this summer :)


Aarbear said...

Oh man, I can see how seeing such an awesome cousin like that guy leave would make you sad. I sure know I was super sad having to leave my cousins behind the other day. -shivers in the Wisconsin weather- I bet the food was good though!

Kiersten Blaire said...

You left a comment!!! :))))))))
yea, it was SUPER sad to have you leave!!! HAVE to come back soon!
by the way, i am so proud that you are already using the blog to stay intouch. I also REALLY love your profile picture- nothin' beats having a pic of two cousins chuggin' Monsters!! LOL

Kiersten Blaire said...

...i no longer have you here to beat me in Monopoly :(...wait, maybe i should be glad bout that LOL...i'm not, i still wish you were here!

serenityfalls2012 said...

lol love the posts u guys lol....
love the pics tho kieri.....
and i had a great time w u guys thursday we gtta do it again some time!

Aarbear said...

Oh my good honk this blogging business is intense. What product is your brother working on? Tell him to get his blog set up and follow mine! :) I'm so bored today without "y'all" I don't even know what to do! And I suppose I can let you slide with that one possible Monopoly win -wink- haha

Kiersten Blaire said...

Thanks! I am glad you are enjoying the blogging thing; it's an awesome way to stay intouch!
Keep commenting and adding stuff to your blog! :) btw, i love how you said "y'all" LOL

Aarbear said...

This is cool how you can comment on your own stuff and everything. By the way hi Serenity if you read this, I figured out who you are now :) Or you can just tell him I said hi Blaire, and ask him if it is cool if I follow his blog and he can follow mine if he wants. I'll put up another post tomorrow probably, tell the family I say hi! Monopoly King out.

grammie said...

I had a really good time at your house today. we don't get to see enough of you guys. Luv the's good to see them close up.

Kiersten Blaire said...

I am so glad that you guys got to come over. I enjoyed the time spent together :) I'm glad i got to show you my dress! I hope you all can make it to Homecoming!

Aarbear said...

I wish I could make it to homecoming, unfortunately neither I nor Valerie Hall attend your school, but hopefully you all have a good time!

Kiersten Blaire said...

i wish you and Valerie Hall did attended my school! LOL...though i have to admit, I'd prolly laugh if i sat next to Valerie in Biology...or any other class for that matter!! *ha-ha!!*

Aarbear said...

LOL I can totally see you and Valerie sitting next to eachother in bio! Of course the teacher might have to seperate you two chatterboxes, although her celebrity status might have some persuasive power over the teacher. She could give her/him some tooth whitening tips!

Kiersten Blaire said...

LOL yea, and she could tell him some tips for healthy joints! she'd flash him that big beautiful smile o' hers and he'd just melt!! LOL HA-HA!!!! would everyone else!!!
Oh, I never did print off that picture of her from online did I? coulda kept it in your pocket and looked at it the WHOLE plane trip home!

Aarbear said...

Oh man who wouldn't melt after being flashed that beautiful set of teeth that could only belong to one so wonderful as Valerie Hall! And don't worry about the picture, someone would have surely stolen it from me to steal a glimpse of her beauty! Just thinking about her is good enough for me. lol

Kiersten Blaire said...


So, we really are just second cousins after all? That's good to have figured out; i was about to make a post about how we had it all wrong as far has how we were related. lol.
Your blog isn't letting me leave comments :( so, i'm just going to leave what i woulda said on it, on here :)

I'm sorry you had to go to school today...that stinks! But i'm glad Maggie made it better for you by singing your name when you walked into class lol. bri wants to know if you sang "maggie, maggie, maggie!' back to her lol.
I have to go back tomorrow and unfortunately i don't have anyone to sing to me first hour. LOL that would be awesome though!! ha-ha!

still missing you here in TX!!!!! A BUNCH...went to the mall today and wished you were there with us! wasn't the same LOL. (surprisingly we weren't there for four hours *ha-ha!*)

Aarbear said...

lol I guess my dad's side of the family isn't to bright messing that whole cousin thing completely up. The smarts must come from your side!
When I tried commenting on my post, it wouldn't let me the first time, but when I hit the publish button again it worked, so try that if you haven't already.
And no I didn't sing Maggie Maggie Maggie lol I should have though. I wish I could sing for you tomorrow at school. You should have taken a video of me on your camera singing to you and watched it every morning in school lol Your classmates would be so jealous!
I hope Josh did some store window modeling if he was at the mall, he is pretty good at that, but I hope you stepped up and did some modeling too! You could have modeled a Monster like you're doing in my profile pic lol I would have bought one!
I miss y'all!

Kiersten Blaire said...

We miss you too!!! I really wish you could have been here to sing to me when I walked into my first hour class. Everyone would have been jealous! LOL! I wish we would have come up with the idea to vidoe it before you left so that I could play it this morning; it wouldn't have been as good as getting to hear you do it in person, but it still would have been great :)
I am now back at school...i miss getting to spend the whole day hanging out with you and staying up late playing Monopoly....maybe i could have finally won...prolly not! lol.
It suprisingly wasn't too hard to get up this morning, but I'm having a hard time adjusting to having work to do again, if you don't see me commenting on my blog much you will know why lol I have several finals (and have to write a 3-5 pg Honors essay) to prepare for and a boat-load of stuff to get done b4 Homecoming.

Wish me luck getting it done! :) LOL