Friday, October 31, 2008

One more!!

Only one more Geometry class! Score!! (this post only makes since if you read my previous one) lol.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Ready for the weekend!

I am soooo ready for the weekend! I'm going to spend Saturday in Shreveport. I get to see my grand & great-grand parents, along with my aunt and baby cousin. I'm going to be bringing a couple of my friends along and we're going to hang out at the Boardwalk afterwards. I'm looking forward to it. I've only gotta make it through two more Geometry classes and I'll be there LOL. Yeah, i hate Geometry. Everyone in the class doesn't get it (except for Paul the Math Wiz LOL), and i get so bored in there i nearly fall asleep every day...i feel bad that i do, but i've just bout tried everything to stay awake- from caffeine mints to pinching myself. lol. Two days ago everybody in the class fell asleep (including me)...i was surprised she didn't get on to us. I know she saw us cuz there's only 5 of us in there lol.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A WONDERFUL Birthday! :)

Wow! I had a GREAT Birthday! I can’t think of anything that could have made it better.
I got my sister to curl my hair for me and I wore a pretty tiara to school (picture of it up top). I got a whole lotta complements on my hair and all throughout the day people kept telling me “happy birthday!”. I had a couple people text me this morning to say happy birthday, and I even had someone call and leave me a “happy birthday” message on my cell phone. It was the sweetest thing. I was smiling all day :)
During my lunch period my dad came up to the school and brought a cookie cake and cupcakes for me and my friends.
It was actually really cool how it worked out, because a few weeks before (and up to my birthday), the one thing I really wanted to happen on my birthday was for someone to either come up to the school and eat with me or to take me somewhere to eat. I decided not to tell anyone b/c I didn’t want anyone to do it just b/c they knew I wanted it…if they did it, i wanted it to be completely something they thought of themselves.
When my dad came up to the school I was like, “awesome!...I got the whole ‘someone coming to eat with me’ part”.
Then after school my friend, Clay, took me to eat at Applebee's for my birthday present (how awesome is that!?! lol)…that was the whole “someone taking me somewhere to eat” part (so it just so happened I got both someone coming to eat with me, and having someone take me to eat :). It was so neat because Clay had no clue I wanted someone to do that. He told Kristi that he didn’t know what to get me for my birthday b/c (according to Kristi) “the scrapbook I made him was the perfect gift to give him and he couldn’t think of anything special enough to top it”. But his decision to take me to eat was the perfect thing. And it was really special because it was something he came up with himself, not knowing I had wanted that for a while.
I know I will remember this birthday! It was truly enjoyable!
BIG thank you to all of you who either called, texted, or told me "happy birthday!" in person (or left it on my blog) are part of what made my B-day so special :)

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Root canal, flowers, and a birthday tomorrow :)

Yesterday i went and had some work done on my teeth. I was praying that it wouldn't end with me having to get a root canal, but unfortunately it did. They started it but were unable to finish because of a "curve" (whatever that is), and if they tried to precede with the root canal they ran the risk of having an instrument break in there and them not be able to get it out *yikes!!*. Now they are sending me to a specialist in Longview that only does root canals and should have me fixed up in less than an hour... bad part is that i have to wait two weeks before i go.. :/

After my apt yesterday was over i was in so much pain it was CRAZY! But I had people praying for me so that helped a lot (thank you to those who did!!)...what also helped make things better is that my friend, Brady, stopped by my house and brought me a bouquet of white flowers. :) They're so pretty and they made my evening. It was really sweet of him to think of me and bring them by...I love them!! I have them in a vase on my desk and i like to just look at them b/c they're so pretty!
(The lighting made them look a lil yellow...they're white though- same flowers in the picture at the top of my post).
Aren't they beautiful? :) ...i really like them
Tomorrow is my Birthday and I'm really excited. I'm going to get my sister to curl my hair and I'm going to wear the tiara that my friend, Mrs. Teresa gave me several years ago. It's beautiful and I'm really excited to wear makes me feel like a Princess -which i am because i am a daughter of the King of Kings!! :) I sorta hesitated before deciding to wear it tomorrow b/c i'm a lil afraid of people mistaking it and thinking i'm doing it b/c i'm "stuck-up"...I guess if they do, though, it's their problem lol.
P.S.~ I'm sorry i haven't been as faithful in my posting something every day..sometimes life gets in the way ...or homework for that matter lol. Which reminds me, i completely forgot my Biology book in my locker after school today *ooopps!*...that means I'm gonna have to get to school early tomorrow and scramble to get my Bio homework done. Fun-Fun!! lol. ..hopefully i'll be able to get it done sometime before 3rd period. We'll see!! lol

Monday, October 27, 2008


Score!! Clay really liked his scrapbook...which made me happy because i spent a whole week working on it. lol. When he saw it he gave me a big hug and said "This is prolly my favorite gift out of all of them" :)

*That made me happy* :)

Topic change:

I only have a few more classes before i get to leave for my dentist apt. *yipp-yipp*. I'm glad that i get to leave school early, but am not exactly looking forward to having my teeth drilled on either lol...o well, it's better than sitting through the History class i would be in during that time...i'm not kidding either!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

closing out the day

Well, the weekend is just about over *bummer*. Tomorrow i have school and a Dentist appointment *another bummer* (but i'll be happy to get this tooth that's been giving me problems taken care, maybe it's not such a bummer after all. lol.)

My day ended very well. I completely finished Clay's scrapbook and will give it to him tomorrow. *SCORE!!*

Another plus to my day is that my wonderful Friend, Mrs. Teresa called an explained something to me that had confused and bothered me a few days ago (same subject i was talking about in my post about "Healing"). I felt a lot better after hearing what she had to say about it. So, thank you, Mrs. Teresa! :) I love you!!

needing to vent...

I'm sitting here at home spending my Sunday afternoon relaxing...alone. Once again it's just us kids at home (mom is gone studying with her college group and dad is working). Honestly, sometimes I get really frustrated because I feel like my parents are ALWAYS gone. I know they have to be- mom has her TONS of schoolwork to do, and dad has to work like crazy just to make ends meet, but still i hate the fact they both have to be busy and gone the majority of the time. It'll get better once my mom finishes school...she'll be making money so hopefully my dad will be able to slow down a little. I have no idea what her work schedule is going to be like, so i don't know if i'll actually see her more or not. I guess we'll see when she starts working in about 14 months.

I'd describe myself as a pretty independent person who enjoys her alone time, but too much of it isn't something i'm crazy about. I guess that's why my parents' being gone so much has really started to wear on me. Most of the time i'm pretty ok and cool with it, but then I have days like today where it kinda bums me out a lil bit. I think part of what gets me is that i truly feel like part of my teen life is being spent without them here (i mean, come on, my sixteenth birthday is going to come and go and my mom is still going to be in school). Like i said, most of the time i'm pretty ok with how things are having to be right now (despite the fact that it's been a REALLY difficult change to get used to), but when i stop and think about it, it makes me a little sad...
But being able to talk about it on my blog and share how i feel about all that's happening has helped. ...guess i just needed to "vent" for a few minutes.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

just chillin'

I didn't have any homework this weekend *whoot-whoot!!* so i get to thoroughly enjoy it by just hanging out and not doing much. Last night i went to a football game with a friend, this morning did a little house cleaning, and then babysat for like 3 hours. So, really i've has a pretty laid back weekend so far. I'm planning on spending the rest of my evening finishing up the scrapbook i made for my friend, Clay. Some of his really good friends are graduating this year so i wanted to get some pictures of them and pics from his 16th B-day party, and put them together in a book that he could have. It's turning out really well- I'm proud of it :) Hope he likes it...we'll find out on Monday ;)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Funny Blonde Jokes

I am in the mood to laugh so I am posting some funny blonde jokes from

( No offense to any blondes...these are just really funny)

Q: Why do Blondes wear earmuffs?
A: To avoid the draft.

Q: How do you make a blonde laugh on Saturday?
A: Tell her a joke on Wednesday.

Q: Why do blondes work seven days a week?
A: So you don't have to retrain them on Monday.

Q: How does a blonde commit suicide?
A: She gathers her clothes into a pile and jumps off.

Q: How do you get a blondes eyes to twinkle?
A: Shine a torch in her ears.

Q: How do you drown a blond?
A: Leave a scratch and sniff at the bottom of the pool.

Q: How do you confuse a blonde?
A: You don't. They're born that way.

Q: How do you drive a blonde crazy?
A: Give her a bag of M&Ms and tell her to alphabetize them.

Q: Why don't blondes like making KOOL-AID?
A: Because they can't fit 8 cups of water in the little packet.

Q: How did the blonde burn her ear?
A: The phone rang while she was ironing

Q: Why are there no brunette jokes?
A: Because blondes would have to think them up

Hope you enjoyed them!! :) I thought they were hilarious!!!

in deep thought...

Ok, right now I've gotta admit that I am a frustrated and a little perturbed. Something that was said in Bible class REALLY didn't sit well with me. It was on the subject of "healing". I respect my teacher and to the best of my memory haven't ever disagreed with something he's taught me but this seemed to make me almost nauseated.
I just need to pray for revelation right now because I'm really confused and am not exactly sure what to think or believe.

But, on a better note: MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 6 DAYS!! :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

An Unexpected Blessing :)

Some very thoughtful person decided to bless me and pay for my Student Council t-shirt. This was very unexpected, and really blessed my heart. I have no idea who paid for it, but I really want them to know that I think that what they did was really kind, and I'm very grateful to them for it.
What they didn't know was that I had a few rather large expenses come up that had to be paid this week, and i was sorta stressing bout gettin' the money for my shirt turned in. But God was faithful (as always) and provided...through an unexpected blessing :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Post-Volleyball Celebration

After our last game, the team went to Cheddar's to celebrate the season's end. We had a great time and enjoyed hanging out and actin' goofy LOL

Me blowin' a kiss to Erin

This is me with my Coach. He's awesome :)

Me, Alex, and Brittany F.

Now that the season is over, I have my Friday nights back! Wooohooo!! :) It was fun, but I'm happy to have a break.

hello :)

Hey, you guys! I wasn't able to update my blog over the weekend like I would have liked to because my computer was running an anti-virus program that caused my Internet to go 1/6 of its normal speed, which in turn meant that it would have taken nearly FOREVER (seriously, i mean it!!) to upload the pics I was planning on posting. I will try to post them soon though..they're from my team's Volley ball party that we had after our last game. We all went to Cheddar's, ate there, hung out, and acted goofy. It was fun :) I'll put a couple of the pics up soon. ttyl!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy 16th, Clay!!!

My friend Clay's 16th Birthday is on Monday. So, for those of you reading this that go to my school, make sure to high-five him and tell him "happy birthday" when you pass him in the hall :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Picture Day!!!

Today is my school's picture day!!!! Whoot-whoot!!!...NOT. LOL. No, j.k. it's aight...i don't really mind all that much; i just don't like the fact that they are having us take pictures on a day that it's raining...

On a completely different note: You know that History project I've mentioned on here (the one I had to stay up late working on and still only got like 10% of it done)? Well, it turns out I don't have to do it because I've got so much extra credit built up in that class...sorta wish I'd known that before I wasted my evening on it, but still, I'm super glad i don't have to do it...cuz that would mean spending more time on it, and frankly, i don't have the time to waste on a crazy History project that was really irrelevant to what we're learning. lol

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

just sittin' here...

I'm just sitting here in Computer Lit class and I really want to go home. I'm super tired and have already fallen asleep in class like three different times. Today in chapel I performed with my Theater Arts team and it went really well, but I was in a lot of pain so it made it hard...i'm still in a little bit of pain and just want to be in bed right now, or sitting on my couch in the living room watching T.V. or a movie (we have ice cream at the house that would go perfect with that:) . If I knew I wasn't going to be doing anything in any of my classes today, I'd probably go ahead and go home. I have stuff I can work on my stinkin' Honors World History project....bummer.

I stayed up late last night working on it and only got the beginning stages of it done. I had a friend offer to help my out with it, and at the time I thought there wouldn't be anything he could do, but I'm tellin' you last night I was REALLY regretting turning him down. I seriously could have used the help lol.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Missing Caedon... :(

Caedon had to go home today... :( so when i got home from Volleyball practice the house seemed a little empty without my lil Caedon baby there...i miss him...a lot. I'm gonna post some cute pictures of him so I can look at them when I get on my blog :)

He fell asleep holding the toy gun he had been playing with. Cute, isn't it?

This is him saying "Cheeeeeseee!!!"...

...then he decided he wanted a closeup...a really, really closeup!

AAAHHHH!!! He eats rubber duckies!! LOL.

Those are only a few of the cute pics I got of him, but for those of you who don't know him and therefore can't fully appreciate his cuteness *smile*, I'll stop posting them right now so I don't bore you too bad. I personally could sit here and look at pictures of him all day because I think he is one of the most precious things ever, but I'm his cousin so I'm probably a lil biased:)

15 days!!!

Happy Birthday Pictures, Images and Photos
Wooohooo!! I only have 15 days 'til my Birthday (it's on the 29th)! Score! I can't wait!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Time with a friend :)

Yay! I can finally make another post on my blog since I got the majority of my homework done...i had decided earlier that i wasn't gonna worry much bout it tonight, but Dad had another, needless to say...i was stuck working on homework for a while :( Oh well, I'm almost done with it now, so I can tell you about what I wanted to several hours ago but was delayed from doing b/c my teachers decided that it sounded good to saddle me down with a pack load o' homework for the weekend lol.

But anyway, earlier today I got to go have dessert with my beloved friend, Mrs. Teresa. :) It was a good visit, and she gave me a really good idea- see, lately I’ve been extremely distracted by something I really shouldn't be right now (although it’s so dang hard not to be)…so, she told me every time I start to get “distracted” by this certain someone, to pick up a pen and write “I love Jesus” (Instead of writing "I love ___" [fill-in-the-blank], like any other teenager who's crushin' on a guy would). I’m tellin’ you, every time I start to drift off in my thoughts, I’m gonna hear her voice in my head saying “snap outta it, Kiersten!!!” …then I’m gonna open up my spiral notebook, that I have set aside just for this purpose, and write “I love Jesus” in it. How much ya wanna bet I’ll have a full notebook by the end of the semester? LOL.

Thanks for the advice, Mrs. Teresa! Enjoyed our visit and time together! I love you bunches!!

lazy afternoon

I decided to make today a "lazy" afternoon by vowing not to stress out about getting my boat-load of homework done. I have tomorrow off of school, so I'll work on it then...i still have an honors project to start on (due in two weeks, but requires a lot of work)...bummer. But i probably won't even get around to that until next weekend. This weekend I'm chillin'...and eventually gettin' around to homework- in no rush for it though lol.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Caedon's here!!!

I got home from tonight's Volleyball game to see my little cousin sittin' on the couch (I didn't know he had gotten in town yet). He's here for the weekend. It's gonna be fun! :)

senseless Biology post *wink-wink, Coach P* ;)

Ok, so, like I have to answer 3 questions for my Biology class next period right now (I'm in Comp. Lit). Personally I think this is weird and I seriously don't see why these need to be on our blogs, but since I have to do them for a grade (and I'm not cool with getting a zero on the assignment), I'm gonna do it.... So, really, unless your Mr. Pautsch, feel free to skip reading this post!!!!

  • Q: Which of the 11 different systems do you think is the most important and why?
    A: I think the immune system- which is made up of white blood cells, lymph nodes,your spleen, tonsils, and other fun stuff- is probably the most important because without your immune system all your other systems would not work because they would be killed by a whole bunch of germs and diseases. But, come on- it's impossible to pick just one system that's the most important one...that's kinda why God gave us eleven!! know, cause we need them ALL. (duh!) lol. But, yeah, the immune system is pretty important though because it's the body's defense against invading bacteria and viruses. without it we'd feel really crummy...and would probably die within the first few hours that we're born.

  • Q: Of the 11 systems, if you could be any one of them, which would you be and why?
    A: If I could be any body system I wanted to, I'd be the nervous system because it's the master control unit of the body. In this system you have sense organs, nerves, your brain, and your spinal cord. Pretty kewl, huh? Your nerves connect all areas of the body to the brain and carry messages in the form of electrochemical signals, or impulses. These impulses travel from the brain and spinal cord to the nerves located throughout the body, and vice versa. This system allows you to feel things, taste things, see, hear, and feel pressure and pain. Pretty important system...

  • Q: If you lost the ability of one of the systems (pick one), how would that effect your daily life?
    A: hhhhmmm...ok, I'll pick the skeletal system. If I lost the use of that system it would really stink because without your bones, you would be a pile of glob on the floor...not kewl. And that would make it hard to do anything at all (which would REALLY effect your daily life....a lot!). that I think about it, I'm really glad we have bones...I never took much time to consider how it would be with out 'em.
    But, then again...I like all of my systems and would HATE to go without any of 'em...God was so smart to make us with all 11 :)

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I just got back from my school's Varsity Volleyball game...we started out really well and had a lot of enthusiasm, but as the game progressed some of our fire seemed to die down. We had the high school guys' soccer team there to cheer us on, which helped, but they kinda died down after a while too.

We lost...again...

Victory for us is most always so close we can taste it, but somehow we lose it half way through...pretty frustrating. We only have two games left. One tomorrow and one next Thursday. I'm curious to see how they turn out.

I've come to the conclusion that this will more than likely be my last year to stat keep for the team. It's been fun (most of the time), but for me it's really more a stress than something I enjoy doing...I used to really like it, but this year is different. Maybe it's because I'm not really enough of a sports fan to sacrifice my time for it (and that's what I've been doing in order to go to the games and stat keep for the team this year; plus calculate and compile all the individual stats at the end of the season [not fun!!! lol]). Another part of it, too, is that I reeeaaallly need flexibility in my schedule and having a game every Tues and Fri doesn't exactly contribute to that. I stopped going to the practices to help out with this, but I honestly feel like I just don't need to do it after this season...sorry, Coach B. It's nothing personal, I just need to take a time out.

This weekend

I'm so excited- this weekend there's the possibility that my cousin Caedon will be coming to stay a few days with us. I have Monday off of school so I will be free to watch him during the day. (I even turned down an all day babysittin' job so I could stay home with him--yeah, he's sooooo worth it!! lol :)

Another thing I'm really excited about is the fact that I am going to get to see, and spend time with Mrs. Teresa. We are going out to eat on Sunday and I can't wait! I love spending time with her; she always has something really interesting to share with me about the Word. I could seriously sit there and just listen to her talk for hours (and that's saying a lot cuz there's only a select few I could honestly say that about. lol).

So, yeah- got an awesome weekend planned and I can't wait for it to get here.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Can you guess?

Here are four things about me; three are true, one is false. Do you know me well enough to know which one is false?

  • Blaire is not my first name
  • I love Hard Rock
  • I am very interested in politics and economics
  • I am not a fan of Christmas music

Think you might know? Leave me a comment telling me which one you think isn't true.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

blogging so far...

Ok, so my Computer Lit class has been blogging for about a month and a half now. I've really enjoyed it because I feel like this has been a creative way to express myself and my thoughts (random, though they may be :) ...and by the way, this TOTALLY beats workin' outta a book for a grade. lol.

I completely intend to keep this up after the year ends. I'll REALLY enjoy having my posts no longer regulated by Pautsch. lol.

This has been a fun experience and I look forward to more posts in the days ahead.


Monday, October 6, 2008

mirror, mirror

This is a video of the skit that my Theater Arts team will be doing in Chapel soon....we're supposed to do it this Wednesday but it will probably be postponed due to the fact that half our team will be absent during the one practice we have between now and Wednesday...yeah, that's somewhat of a problem.

It's a really good skit and has a wonderful message. I can't wait to perform it (I'm gonna play the "makeup girl"). Hopefully we will have someone tape it for us and I can post the vid on here to show you how it turns out.

Excited bout it!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Saturday in Louisiana

So, saturaday I took the day off to go to Louisiana to see my grandparents and go shoppin' at the Boardwalk...yea, i prolly shouldn't have because I have two major tests on Monday that I've still gotta study for, but seriously, I'm determined not to let school ruin all things enjoyable in my life. LOL.
On our way to the Boardwalk, we picked up my little cousin Caedon (the adorable cutie that you see up top) to spend the day with us too. Having him with us was a treat! He's so sweet and the cutest little thing ever! The whole way to Bossier he kept himself entertained with my sunglasses and his Jesus doll...and his fake cell phone lol so precious!!!

(Just in case you haven't caught on quite yet- i think my little cousin is an absolute CUTIE and i love showin' him off lol) :)

When we got there we walked around together, shopped some, and just enjoyed the time we were getting to spend together.

Here's a pic of Caedon, my dad, and I in front of the Bass Pro Shop that they have there on the Boardwalk:

After being in Bossier for several hours we left to take Caedon home and then head back to Texas ourselves. It was really great- before we left Louisiana I got to stop and see my friend, Mrs. Teresa, for a few minutes. It was a wonderful way to end a truly enjoyable day :)

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mary & Martha

I love the Biblical story of Mary and Martha because it's a reminder to me to not let myself get distracted by all I'm doing, when instead I should be focusing on what really matters - growing in my walk with Christ.

Martha had gotten so distracted by everything that she thought needed to be done, while her sister chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to Him teach His word. When Martha asked Jesus to have Mary come and help her with her work, Jesus told Martha that she was "worried and troubled" about many things, but that only "one thing was needed"....something which the benefits of would not be taken away from her.

We must remember in our own lives to not let ourselves get distracted by "all we have to do". Instead we need to stop, take a moment, and sit at the feet of Jesus. The benefits that we reap from this will not pass away.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate

Whoa!! Did anyone else watch the VP debate that just took place? I was cheering for Palin, and in the words of a friend "she freakn' blew him [Biden] away!!!". I TOTALLY agree! I was amazed at just how poised and confident Mrs. Palin was and how articulate her responses were to the questions asked. She didn't ever back down or freeze up, and she wasn't afraid to be completely honest with the American people when it came to stands on gay marriage, her opponents positions on critical issues, etc. She showed no sign of fear and by the grace of God debated better than anyone thought she would (she made a small mistake when she accidentally gave the wrong name to someone that she was talking about, but it was handled very well). A political commenter at the end of the debate said that someone had stated that tonight's performance would make the many people who spoke out against her eat their words! Amen! She did a wonderful job!

I wish I had more time to share with you even more of what I think about this but unfortunately I am running out of time. So, let me conclude with this: Props to Mrs. Palin!!!!

A hand-written Bible?

I read an article from USA Today about a new NIV Bible that will be entirely hand-written by a whole bunch of random people. I thought this was kind of interesting. One copy will be given to the Smithsonian and another auctioned off to benefit the International Bible Society. Kinda kewl, huh?