Friday, December 12, 2008


I've wanted to post about this all day, and now that school is over I can!! (I was told I couldn't say anything about this until after school when everyone had already heard the announcement of who got selected)

I was voted Homecoming Sweetheart for my class by the Varsity Basketball Guys. They all voted yesterday, and I found out the results last night at like 9:30. I soooooooo wanted to make a post then, but when my Principal called to tell me I had gotten it, he also said that I had to act like I didn't have a clue I was chosen. Yeah...that was murder! lol I wanted so badly to tell my best friend, but had to comply and wait until they announced it at the school pep rally. What was kinda funny is that earlier today one of my friends was like "So, you think ya won?". I wanted to tell her so bad, but couldn' I had to just act like i was blowing it off and was like "ehhh...I'll find out at the pep rally if i did or not."

This whole thing is an extra incentive to eat REALLY healthy during my Christmas break...i have to go dress shopping and that has the potential to be a disaster if I don't. So now I have a feeling I'll be working out extra hard this next month or so. The Homecoming game is on January the 23rd, so I am going to try and eat as healthy and exercise as well as I can until then.

Man, I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo excited! This is a really special thing and I can't wait! :)

btw, you were right, Pautsch! it is =)


Melissa Anne Brown said...

that is AWESOME! :)

eating healthy during the holidays will be interesting for ya.
just dont forget to eat SOME candy and sweets :)


grammie said...

That is soooo exciting. I'm really glad for you.

CoachPautsch said...

congrats stegall! you deserve it! enjoy it, don't stress about it!

Kiersten Blaire said...

lol thanks :)

ahbinks said...

hahahaha... that's hilarious!! "eating extra healthy and working out hard"... lol. congrats though! sorry i haven't really been checking blogs and such, I'll work on that