Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Fellowship with Friends

This Christmas season has been so wonderful because I have gotten the chance to spend precious time with friends and loved ones. I went to a Christmas/ Hanukkah party at my friend's on Sunday; it was really neat because we had a short worship time and took Communion during the party. There was such a feeling of Peace-it was amazing!

We had to leave the party early b/c I had to be dropped off at a babysitting job, but I was really glad that I was able to be there for the time I was.
I got a picture in front of the tree before I left :)

Before we headed back to Kilgore we stopped and visited some friends that we normally don't get to see but a couple times a year. We took a group picture with the three Stegall kids, their 4 girls, and my cousin Aaron.

We took another picture of just the four of us at my aunt and uncle's...we had to drop off my baby cousin that we took to the party.

We didn't back in town until really late and I was overjoyed to be out of the car and once again have my own space....I'm not a big fan of being squished in a minivan with 6 other people for three hours. LOL

I was away for a couple days babysitting and when I came home around 1 o'clock Wednesday morning I saw something that a friend had left for me....

Isn't it CUTE! :)

It was a sweet surprise to find waiting at home for me...from an equally sweet friend :)

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