Tuesday, December 2, 2008

High School Trip to Dallas

Today my school took a group of high school students to see the King Tut Exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art. The exhibit was AMAZING! It was so neat to be able to look at everything they had found in King Tut's tomb and know that what you were looking at was was over 3, 000 years old... wow! Seeing all those things made me want to step back in time and be able to see what life was like for them. I've always been fascinated with the Egyptian people and their culture, so having the opportunity to go and see this exhibit was something I'll always remember.
The exhibit was only visiting 5 cities in the U.S. and after that will return to Egypt where it will stay...so to go and see this was truly a once in a lifetime experience.

After the we had finished walking through the exhibit we walked 8 stinkin' blocks to get to the Spaghetti Warehouse, where we had planned to eat. I was in 3 1/2 in. heels, so walking 8 blocks to the restaurant, and another 8 blocks back to the parking garage (a block from the museum) was miserable! I didn't know we were going to have to walk a total of 16 blocks (not counting the almost ten rooms of the exhibit), or I would have worn more comfortable shoes. One of my guy friends offered to let me ride on his back, but I felt bad for making him do that...after all it wasn't his fault that I was stupid and wore heels. LOL.
Another one of my friends got tired of walking so he just jumped in a cab...after walking about ten blocks I knew he had a good idea :)...unfortunately I didn't know which parking garage my group had parked in, so I had to just keep walking with the group cuz I wouldn't have had a clue where to tell the cab driver to go.

At least I got my exercise for today! :)..which wouldn't have been so bad if I had been wearing flats.

All in all , the trip was fantastic and tons of fun! I'm glad we not only got to see the incredible Tut exhibit, but also had a whole day of fellowship and fun with one another!


CoachPautsch said...

so glad to see that i was missed...

also, all your talk of high heals made me think of something i heard during one of my kinesiology classes, so i found an article to back it up. enjoy!


Kiersten Blaire said...

I read the artical...didn't know they posed a health threat LOL that stinks...hope I don't have a jacked up back when I get older