Monday, December 8, 2008


Ok, so my Computer Lit teacher told us to blog about what we wanted for Christmas. I normally wouldn't pick that to make a post about, but since I'm receiving a grade for this, I should probably post about what he told us to... I have a hard time writing about this b/c i feel like I sound selfish lol.

So, here's my list of stuff I'd like...but could totally live without :)

  • An audio Bible
  • An mp3 or ipod
  • A new Radio/CD player
  • Money or gift cards
  • A new phone


CoachPautsch said...

you always make me feel so good when i read about how you HAVE TO post about these things...
besides you could have wished for world peace, the end of hunger, or that we'd all just get along?

Kiersten Blaire said...

(IN RESPONSE TO THE 1ST PART OF YOUR COMMENT) Don't get offended! LOL. In my opinion a blog is a personal place for you to write about what you feel, what your thoughts are, or just something that's on your heart. So, when you give us a SPECIFIC topic to blogg about, I find it a little difficult b/c that wasn't exactly what I was thinking on, or had something to say about...b/c of that it's sometimes hard to come up with anything worth making a good post about. That is why I include at the beginning of such posts that it was simply an assignment, and not something I chose on my own to share about.

CoachPautsch said...

that's fair! i don't like to call it an assignment, more like i'm giving you a direction as to what i would like to see you post about. And you are free to post about whatever it is you want to, just after you do what i've given you direction to do! it's a form of checks and balances i guess you could say, plus it gives you guys something to do while i figure out something else for you to do!

Melissa Anne Brown said...

i love your blogs girl.

your real. your true. thats aawesome!

Kiersten Blaire said...

Thanks melissa! :) appreciate it!