Tuesday, September 23, 2008

US judge rules ban on baggy pants "unconstitutional"

Ok...I was told to write my opinion on this article by Yahoo! NEWS. It's about how a US judge has ruled that the ban on people wearing baggy pants is "unconstitutional". While I do believe that we all should have the freedom to express ourselves through the way we dress- COME ON PEOPLE!!!...we don't want to see your underwear!!!


ahbinks said...

hahaha very funny

my mom is my hero said...

lol i know what u sayin girl! :)

ExegeticallyHobbes said...

Agreed...but unconstitutional? Seriously, they read too much into that....I do believe that they could deem it a "public exposure" offense if your underclothes show...

smileonmyheart said...

hey i agreee with u. i like ur pic of jesus.

hawkeye_samurai said...

acutally i have to disagree with that statement. by all means i like to see their underwear! lol no seriously j/k j/k but yeah i agree it's pretty dump how they sag so much but i'm sure that eventually people are going to question skinny jeans too. I'll wear skinny jeans so that would be an issue for me. Also this blog site or w/e is hard to find people for me. maybe i just suck at it. lol anyways ttyl.

smileonmyheart said...

wow hawkeye u scared me for a second there. :)

Teresa Driskell said...

LOL!! Love it! You are so right. I do not want to look at people's undie dundies. And if they want them to fall down why do they hold them up? Go figure...