Monday, September 22, 2008

The Way, the Truth, the Life....Jesus

I had an assignment for my Computer Lit class to make a post about my favorite Bible verse. It was hard for me to narrow it down to just one, so I'm going to write about two in particular that are special to me. These verses are John 14:6 and John 8:32 . In John 14:6 Jesus says that He is " the way, the truth, and the life". In this verse Jesus made clear that HE is the truth- the Truth that the World is looking for; the Truth that will set us free. As I read over this verse I felt the Holy Spirit speak to my heart and bring to remembrance John 8:32 which states: " you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. So when we know the Truth [Jesus] we will become free. And according to John 8:36 if the Son has made you free you are free indeed!!!

I have a ring that has "I AM THE WAY, TRUTH, & LIFE" engraved on the inside, and on the outside it has it engraved in Hebrew. It's actually an interesting story as to how I got it, because the one I had ordered online was supposed to say something completely different, but when it arrived I came to the conclusion that they had sent the wrong one because the inscription was different than the one I had ordered. At first I was pretty bummed and a little upset about it, but later I saw that there couldn't of been a more perfect inscription. When I look down and see it I am reminded that Jesus is the WAY in which I should follow. Even on the days that I feel lost and shaken to the core HE will be my Way. If I hold to Him, He will always guide my paths... He will be my Truth in the midst of all the lies that this World offers...and He will be my Life. A promise of this is found in John 8 verse 12: "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Could there be anything better???...I seriously doubt it!


ahbinks said...

Wow! I think that's awesome how you used 2 verses to compliment each other like that. And the story is cool too.. I'll have to see the ring.

ExegeticallyHobbes said...

I want to see the ring...where did you order it? I also like the verse about being free "indeed." It's true...when you come to God, He sets you free-you are a new person-but we must "walk in the freedom by which Christ has made us free."