Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Time Cherished

This Summer I got to go and stay two weeks with my dear friend/spiritual mother/mentor, Mrs. Teresa. Being able to go and stay with her was like a breath of fresh air; it gave me time to be able to completely focus on learning more about the Word and growing deeper in my faith.

I had such a great time with her! While I was over there we took a mini- road trip to Oklahoma to visit her daughter's new college campus. It was beautiful! Below is a picture of one of the buildings they were constructing on the OSU campus while we were there.
(I could have taken way more pictures but for some reason it completely slipped my mind that i had brought along my camera. Yeah... I kinda kicked myself for that one afterwards)
The campus was beautiful and the town surrounding it was so nice! I really enjoyed getting to go and be there for a couple of days.

After we got back I spent the rest of the time I was there visiting with my friend and having her teach me what the Holy Spirit has revealed to her in the Word. It was such a blessing to have her pour into me the knowledge and wisdom that she has acquired throughout her life. She is an amazing woman whose life God has had His hand on since the beginning; and has used to work in the lives of others. Seeing her Christian walk makes me desire to be even that much closer to Christ!!

I benefited in so many ways from my stay with her and I feel so incredibly blessed to have someone like her in my life as a spiritual mentor and friend.


Belovedez33 said...

In the words of an old country song...have i told you lately that I love you? That was a very special time for me, too. We will get together again soon, even if it's just me driving over for lunch. Be Blessed, Beloved!

Kiersten Blaire said...

Thank you! That was a sweet comment :) I love you, too!! I can't wait to see you; I miss you so much!

SlAuGhTeR said...

wow....i think thats better than every body elses vacation
lov ya!!!

Kiersten Blaire said...

Luv ya too, girl! Thanks for your comment!!

die for somthing said...

that is really awsum that u got 2 stay with her hope u hav a good weekend.

WHAT EVER said...

I want to get fresh air too, I.I;;

Anonymous said...

cute comment, paul! :)