Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

As most know, today marks the seventh year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centers. I still remember vividly the day I saw on the news what was happening. I was almost 8 at the time, and a horrid event like that was beyond what I could have even imagined. You tend not to think about how life can be cut short in a single moment like that... until it is. My heart aches for the numerous families who lost dear loved ones as a result of that day.


smileonmyheart said...

hey blaire, sis here. i remember that day too. very weird. i can't believe that has already been 7 yrs. ur blog is so cute. love u

Belovedez33 said...

Today was very sober for us. Ken and I watched some tv news tributes before we went to work. We saw a man jump probably 50 stories to the ground, to get away from the horror and we both wept. We were both sad because we have forgot what we are fighting against. We have a real enemy, Iran and Irag are incubators for Al-Quaida and America is trying to protect not only America but the people of the Middle East. Jesus came to a people who would reject, mock, and insult Him and all He wanted to do was love us and set us free. I feel like America with all her faults still believes in loving people and seeing them live in freedom. We just have to turn our eyes back to Jesus. America - remember your God and remember 9/11

evrythin4jesus said...

YEah, i remeber that day very very was quite scary because i was actually there in New York and i knew many people who were there. everybody was being taken out of school but i didnt really think anything of it at first...untill i saw it on the tv! you could see that something was different just by looking in the sky. it was all smoky and weird looking. thats a day i will never forget!