Sunday, September 14, 2008

Few pics of the damage:

This is what my sister's wall looked like after the base of the tree hit it. It made a pretty big mess :/

Here's the view straight out my front door before we go it cleaned up. (what you see is the huge tree that fell in the front of the yard that slightly damaged part of our roof and a small section above our door)

This is the bottom of the stump of the tree in the picture above (taken after we got the majority of the tree out of our yard and off our roof).

I wasn't able to get very many pictures because it was raining and I didn't really want my camera getting wet -_- So, sorry I only had a few to show you. If I get anymore that are worth showing, I'll post 'em for ya!


die for somthing said...

wow that really sucks but it could be wourse it could be your whole house.

Kiersten Blaire said...

yea, ur right....i am glad it wasn't worse.

ahbinks said...

nice pics!!!! lol.... time for some redecoration

Kiersten Blaire said...

Agreed, alemonsnowcone. lol