Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Falling on the Rock

Lately my life has been a test of faith. It is through tough times such as these where we learn to completely depend on Christ to be our strength and joy. Through everything He has filled me with an incredible Peace that only He can give. He has surrounded me with people who care for me and love me, and have been there for me whenever I needed a physical reminder of just how much Christ loves me. The gift of friends and a strong spiritual family is one that is so precious to me...I can't even begin to express how much of a blessing that has proved to been the last few weeks. To know you have people who love you and who are willing to offer emotional support provides a huge sense of security.

I can honestly say that Christ has taught me so much about relying on Him through every storm and trial that presents itself; when it is completely out of my hands and out of my control, He is the only one I can depend on.

The wonderful things is: when we learn to give it to Him and recognise that it is not are responsibility to worry about (and even if we did it wouldn't change the situation) He fills us with His perfect peace. It is one of the greatest feelings to know that He's got it under control :)

It's amazing how free we feel when we finally surrender control.....

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