Sunday, January 17, 2010

Because I can hardly sit still....

I'm sitting here, desperately needing to find a way to express, and deal with, how I am feeling right now. I'm having such a mix of emotions as I think of what is about to take place tomorrow....and frankly, I'm scared, excited, nervous, and feel sick over what I know I need to do. I'm meeting with someone who I had, in the past, been very closely connected to. Things went down hill, and we stopped communicating...but it's hard to just do that when the other person still holds part of your heart, and you're finding it hard to recover.
There was never any real closure to the situation that occurred, and now I feel like I MUST find some immediately or I will literally be heart sick anytime I think of what was once there. The whole process has been pretty crazy...things got cut off, but with no real explanation... I heard from several people down the line things that person had expressed to them about the situation, but I was never told anything personally...which I think would have helped to provide the closure that ended up not coming about. I just know that I need to find that closure to completely heal from the pain of what took place, and to do so, talking to them is something that MUST happen. Sometimes you just need the closure that comes with knowing you said everythinggg that you needed to.
So, now the plan is to meet at Starbucks tomorrow and talk. I'm praying for peace as I go over what I feel I need to express, and also praying that they don't back out of meeting me there lol I am waiting in anxious anticipation......
I'm finding it hard to sit down, though, and wait for 11:30 am tomorrow morning to roll around!