Monday, March 16, 2009

Spring Break!!!!!!

I am now on Spring Break!!! YEAHHHHHH!!! I'm soooooo glad!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Trying to be Objective- While Still Forming Personal Opinions

Today in Bible class we were introduced to a book called "I Kissed Dating Goodbye". We had about 30 minutes of discussion on it before class was out. We debated "dating" vs. "courtship" and what we as students thought about both. It was funny that this came up because I was just talking to a friend of mine Saturday night about this same subject. She has a teenage son who dates and she was sharing with me her opinion of dating. When we were talking, I shared that I don't think that dating is bad- as long as you have strong standards and convictions- it's really no different from courting. You can "date" wrong and you can "court" wrong. In my opinion it doesn't matter what you call's how you act.

I really believe that both views should be presented objectively.

I have my opinions on both "dating" and "courting". I think that you shouldn't date just to be able to say that you have a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend", but with the view of trying to find the person you are going to marry and spend the rest of your life with. Do I believe in dating when you are in your early teens? No. I think you should wait until you know that you are ready to start looking for your future mate. Can dating lead to a broken heart? Yes. But does "courting" atumatically make you immune to having your heart broken during the process of finding your mate? No.

I'm not saying I think that courting is a bad thing- it's been drilled into me for the past several years that courting is the only way to go. Yea, there are pros to courting; I am simply trying to think for myself and make sure that I form my own opinions and beliefs so that I will KNOW why I feel and believe the way I do on important issues such as these.

I think it's not the best thing to only present one side of an argument. I think we should have the freedom to explore both sides. By doing this we form opinions and beliefs that are REAL to us, and not something that has simply been "drilled" into us.